samedi 16 août 2014

Imperial Palace

       Most of the palace is closed, but visitors can still stroll in the gardens of the palace where the Edo Castle. Houses the royal family in the palace are open to visitors. Edo Castle became a place of governance by the shogunate in the early period after 1600 and 300 this year, dropped Cogn rule and returned to the royal family based in the former. Many of Japan's history embodied in this building since the era of Cogn to imperial rule and the end of the demolition of the palace during World War II. 

Visiting Hours: Daily throughout the day 
Admission: Free 
Address: Avenue Hyypia League

Meiji Jingu Shrine

      This shrine was built in honor of Emperor Meiji and Empress in 1920 and attributed to members of the royal family Meiji credited with opening Japan to foreigners and make them more open. Shinto shrine wonderful. Gates leading to the shrine, called Tori and about 1,700 years old and has been manufactured by Cypress. It consists of a combination shrine of Japanese cypress and green copper roofs Blindfolded roof of the temple. Parks located within the walls of the temple and its beautiful trees and flowers variety. 

Opening Hours: daily from sunrise until sunset 
Admission is free 
Address: 1-1 Kamazuno-Chu, Yoyogi

Sensoji Temple

      This is the most popular temple in Tokyo. And has since built about 628 years after the birth. And has been rebuilt after being demolished during the Second World War in 1945 the legend behind the construction of this temple dating back to the story, which tells that the two fishermen were Astadan fish in the river Samida and has caught the instead of fish statue of a golden represents the Goddess of Mercy and happiness and named December. And has been built this temple specially for the inauguration of the statue by the values​​. And thousands attend to this temple to reverence God and prayer in order to obtain good luck. 

Opening Hours: Daily from 6:00 pm - 5 pm 
Admission: Free 
Address: 2.3.1 Osacasa, Tito-ku 
Phone number: 0338420181

Tokyo amusement

Disney SEA
      A park and amusement park located in Oraaso Chiba in Japan and opened on September 4, 2001 and an area of ​​176 acres and is owned by the land east and the cost to build about four billion dollars in Japan, which wants tourists to visit because it gives visitors a fun and pleasure and joy and the estimated number of Zoarhatgariba 12 million visitors in year, making it occupies the fifth position of the most visited parks in the world and in 2002 won the Tokyo Disney Sea Thea award from the Association of entertainment Themd the award was presented at El Capitan Theater in Hollywood 

       This park welcomes all ages to the world of fantasy and adventure, where seven sections, a Mediterranean Harbor and American Waterfront and Lost River Delta, Port Discovery and the Mermaid Lagoon and the Arabian coast and the mysterious island 
He will start the main entrance of the Mediterranean Harbor, which is a water channels exquisite beauty held a lot of offers boating and operates the water fountains addition it contains many shops and restaurants 

     Then go to see a mysterious island that has been found inside a volcano in the heart of the park which is inspired from the pages of science fiction writings of Jules Verne and here will explore the depths of the oceans aboard a submarine, a thrilling adventure 

      Then known as the Mermaid Lagoon, which allow visitors access to the sea and landmarks to see The Little Mermaid also contains a variety of areas to ride and entertaining games 

     Then go to the Arabian coast and here in this section you'll learn about the world of Aladdin and the magic world of a thousand and one nights and it takes a lot of offers magical fun and enjoyable, and the rest of the sections you can discover yourself 

Open Dates: 
Nightclubs open daily 9:00 - 22:00 
Entry Fee: 
Ticket price per person 6200 yen

Falls Nonubiki in Kobe

Falls Nonubiki in Kobe 
        They range Falls is located in the center of the city of Kobe in Japan and is considered one of the greatest creation of God on this earth Vzin by nature and especially the process of the fall of the waters ÇáŃÇĆÚĺ It includes four waterfalls separate names are Tsusumejadaki and Mantaki and Ontaki and Matodaki has been ranked as one of the 100 best waterfall in Japan, one of the most important tourist destinations in Japan, which wants tourists to visit because of its breathtaking beauty amidst nature Aghannah has been said about this a lot, where waterfalls likened waters falling silk 

       The best times to visit him in the spring and summer, where wearing the green nature of her dress in the fall you will see that the dress nature is colored in yellow and red 

      It also contains the area surrounding the waterfall trails for hiking and wander around the waterfall is on these routes advise you to take some beautiful pictures you near the waterfall and also contain yard parking

vendredi 15 août 2014

Introduction to Tourism in Japan

           Japan is one of the most attractive countries for tourists in East Asia. Visited Japan in 2008, about 8.3 million tourists, the biggest in Japan's history and exceeds the number of tourists in Singapore and Ireland together, the most famous tourist cities in Japan are Auchi and Yuji Kyoto and Otsu. Where he visited the city of Kyoto alone, 30 million tourists a long time ago. And witnessing the cities of Tokyo and Nara significant growth in the number of tourists.

             A lot of tourists Meant Disneyland and called Tokyo disney land and the Tokyo Tower, which resembles the Eiffel Tower in Paris, as well as Himeji Castle and the summit of Mount Fuji near Tokyo, which is a volcano in the fact and Lake Toya or Nuyako which hosted the summit of the eight in 2008 and overtake Japan to a lot of countries in the world in terms of the number of tourists has surpassed its neighbor South Korea, which had about 2.7 million or about 27% of the number of tourists, Japan. Tourism after the Fukushima disaster after the great danger which threatened the Fukushima nuclear reactor because of the tsunami that hit Japan on 11/3/2011 fewer tourists in Japan in 2011 largely Mqarndta in years past. But in October 2011, and after the demise of the Fukushima nuclear reactor risk increased as the number of tourists reached 10 thousand foreign tourists. In order to compensate for losses in 2011 are expected from Japan that provides free tickets in 2012.

The most beautiful flower park in the world

Hitachi Cisada park or park called Blue in Ibaraki Ajigaura next to the beach and the park is open garden outdoors on an area of ​​3.5 hectares covered by the kinds of roses of all kinds and colors to enjoy watching pictures of flowers and the beauty of the park resort's name in English Hitachi Seaside Park, located in Hitachinaka,